Drawer and Cabinet Locks
There are many reasons for wanting to lock drawers and cabinets, at home and at businesses.
It is true that most cabinets and drawers are not fitted with any locks at all, but in virtually any home and most definitely in any place of business you will find some locked, or at least lockable, drawers and cabinets.
Just as the reasons for locking drawers and cabinets are numerous so are the different types of locks you may find on drawers and cabinet doors. We have gathered for you some useful information about drawer and cabinet locks in the hopes that this blog item will help you better understand what you may expect from these locks and how to choose the ones best suited to fill your needs.
Locks Intended to Enhance Privacy
The most common locks found on drawers and cabinets at homes are ones designed not for restricting access from anyone wanting to forcefully open them but rather to allow family members to store things they feel they want to keep private (such as letters, photographs, other memorabilia etc.). Other items that may be kept locked at home are medicines, guns and other items and substances which may pose a danger to children.
Drawer and cabinet locks intended for enhancing privacy are not hard to pry open but rather pose a barrier due to the fact that any attempt to open them without consent cannot go unnoticed.
Such locks are usually simple latch locks operated by keys with simple teeth patterns. Since most drawers and cabinets at home are made of wood there is no point in trying to make them safe from attempts to forcefully open them since the drawers and doors themselves can be easily broken.
Typical Filling Cabinet Locks
The most common type of cabinets in businesses are still filing cabinets although computers are fast making such cabinets obsolete. Filling cabinets are mostly made of metal and so locks on filling cabinet doors and drawers possess the potential to make prying them open quite hard.
Typical locks found on metal cabinet doors and drawers are ones operated by small keys with teeth patterns far more complex than the ones found on keys for locks fitted on wooden drawers and cabinet doors.
Combination Locks
At businesses it may be necessary to allow access to several employees while denying it from others. Combination locks on drawers and cabinets are an efficient way to do this, a combination lock generally provides better security than key operated locks and they deem it unnecessary to make duplicate keys to everyone who need to be able to open them.
Another big advantage combination drawer and cabinet locks hold is that if there is reason to believe security was compromised by the combination becoming too widely known the combination can usually be quite simply changed.
Choosing cabinets and drawers already fitted with locks that provide the level of security you are after will save you expenses associated with having locks fitted on existing drawers or cabinet doors.